How to Develop Individuality: Function from Your Fingerprints

By Bill Benson · Feb 2, 2022

Fingerprint Of Hearts | How to Develop Individuality

We live in a results-oriented culture. A place where borrowing motives and methods feels like a logical shortcut for gaining ground. After all, why start from “square one” when you can skip ahead by imitating someone else’s success?

Society seems a willing accomplice to this mindset. Charismatic speakers profess: “Do it my way!” convincing us to answer their calls-to-action (in place of developing our own) and content curation (reprinting already-existing material) is a common Social Media time-saver.

Yet, these methods cheat us and our culture – inhibiting individuality and impeding innovation. Instead, we must develop fresh perspectives to drive personal growth and cultural evolution.

A Little Help Along the Way

Personal growth doesn’t have to be solitary. For example, utilizing a mentor’s wise guidance is an excellent way of acquiring the tools necessary for finding your true north.

However, one caveat: See mentors as inspirational, not imitational. Understand that they have custom-tailored their successes to suit themselves. Strive to establish takeaways notable to you from the principles they provide.

A few helpful tips:

  1. Set down your ego! We learn far more from our failures than our successes. Hone your pursuits based on what your mistakes have taught you.
  2. Don’t let your intentions fade! No one can circumnavigate the sweat-equity of refining a skill. Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Tipping Point” calculates that we need 10,000 hours of focused attention before mastering any activity. Tenacity is the best indicator of success. 
  3. Choose with your heart as well as your head! Well-being is a product of engaging in meaningful pursuits. Pursuing a career based solely on earnings or prestige is a setup for a life-term of emotional struggle.

Be An Original

Honing our abilities to filter-through data provides a surer path toward clarity. In this way, we are active participants in our personal enlightenment.

Instead of just borrowing from culture, decide to increase your dexterity by lending a hand and contributing your unique fingerprints.

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