Inner Clarity: Birthday Wishing Made Real
By Bill Benson · Feb 1, 2023

Your birthday is the one time of year when it’s “all about you.” You are King/Queen for a Day – ceremonially emboldened to request what you desire with others acquiescing to your commands for those precious 24 hours.
An Engaging Conversation
I had a milestone birthday recently, and our house was full of celebrants for the weekend. At one point, I conversed with a friend, chatting about New Year’s Resolutions. Having read my January article, she knew of my mild allergy to this social phenomenon. She mentioned her decision to create a mantra this year rather than a resolution.
Intrigued, I inquired further. Tired of going from one emotional extreme to another, she desired an even-keeled existence. Her mantra was one simple word: “Balance.” She reported this two-syllable reminder was helping her stay centered throughout the ins and outs of her calendar. She liked it because she didn’t have to lose 20 pounds to feel OK or make more money to feel secure. It was more of a guiderail than a pursuit, and it helped correct her perspective one moment at a time.
She then asked me what my mantra would be. Off guard, I exclaimed: “enjoyment.” I paused and then laughed at an almost instant revelation, repeating the word to my friend one syllable at a time: In. Joy. Meant. Which I translated to mean “intentional inner joy.”
And there it was, my best birthday gift ever! The difference between success and failure, happiness and unhappiness, worry and well-being encapsulated into a simple, straightforward reminder.
A Better Influence
Why am I making so much of this interaction? Because, as my friend had alluded, it is not our accomplishments but our perspectives that emotionally stabilize our lives. We cannot always control the outcomes of what goes on around us or happens to us, but we can influence how we view, interpret, and respond to these circumstances.
Inner clarity is the key to unlocking our authentic selves and finding balance amidst the chaos. By cultivating inner clarity, we gain a deeper understanding of our emotions, thoughts, and desires. It allows us to stay centered and navigate through life’s ups and downs with grace and ease.
This became even more apparent during my conversation with my friend. By choosing a mantra like “Balance,” she sought to bring a tempo of inner-clarity into her life. It was a gentle reminder to stay grounded and maintain equilibrium, regardless of external circumstances. Similarly, my mantra “enjoyment” became a pathway to intentional inner joy, reminding me to find joy in every moment and embrace life.
When we take responsibility for our perspectives, whether a gentle reminder to center ourselves or a decision to emanate joy, we benefit by setting down our allegiances to external expectations, which often leave us wanting.
When we choose to be self-aware of our intents, those around us also benefit because of the care we give ourselves, ripples into our responses, reassuring others, or easing tensions regardless of what’s at stake.
Inner Clarity: A Birthday Bask, Not A Birthday Bash
In retrospect, the intention of my birthday weekend was to enjoy my friends and let things unfold in fun and flexible ways. As a result, I didn’t have to control, contain, or curate the events to achieve lasting, loving memories.
So, as we approach every day (not just our birthdays), consider the royal treatment: being whole, complete, charmed, grateful – and fluid. By adopting inner-clarity, we consciously consider life’s circumstances through optimistic lenses, opening ourselves to the delight of life’s twists and turns.