Counseling unfolds using tested-and-proven therapy interventions. We design assignments and utilize exercises to help you better clarify and achieve your objectives.
In-session, we may solve life scenarios through role-play or actively reframe our assumptions about ourselves or others. Homework may involve tracking your internal dialog or practicing intentional self-care (instead of focusing only on others’ needs).
The Mental Gym combines a blend of the following tried-and-true approaches to effectively address your specific needs:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT asserts that: “It’s not life-events, but how we comprehend these circumstances that determine our well-being.” In other words, our thoughts trigger our emotions and behaviors.
We’ll work together to diagram your specific Thought <=> Emotion <=> Behavior equation.
Recognizing your habitual thinking will assist us in strategizing alternative perceptions, which will then improve your mood and increase your life effectiveness.
Positive Psychology: Do this: Wiggle your fingers. Now take a moment to
consider the multitude of cells and electric impulses required for this endeavor. Ponder the very complicated biochemical interaction and kinesiology at play – and notice how effortless it seems!
Positive Psychology goes far beyond the caricature of reciting affirmations into a mirror. The curative power of this discipline lies in the awareness that we are all walking/talking miracles.
Together, we’ll work to reinforce the already-existing magic of your individual and mankind’s collective abilities. We achieve contentment once we accept how powerful we are – a choice we all have at our fingertips!
Mindfulness Training: Our lives actively unfold from one-moment-to-the-
next. Mindfulness practice enhances our abilities to invoke calm and generate gratitude by non-judgmentally acknowledging this reality. It is a collection of skillsets for relinquishing our need to control everything around us.
Acceptance is one technique within this philosophy, which helps reduce anxiety and depression by setting down struggle associated with any given circumstance.
Meditation quiets our emotional associations to past and future – places we can currently do nothing about – and establishes the productive focus of in-the-moment awareness.