Adult Careers Selected by Children

In childhood, we were asked: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

We answered, detailing fantastical careers (often amusing our parents and teachers) or responding in ways to get adult approval.

We overwhelmingly understand that pursuing careers based on impulsive decisions we made as children is just ludicrous.

Still, people find themselves all-grown-up and feeling stuck in jobs they felt were assigned to them.

Adult Careers Selected by Children | The Mental Gym

We Spend a Good Portion of Our Lives Working

That’s why journeying along personally rewarding career paths is pivotal to maintaining our well-being. So, consciously monitoring and appropriately adjusting our pursuits to preserve a sense of purpose just makes emotional sense.

Life/Career Balance?

Life imbalances develop when we work too much or over-identify with our occupations. Obsessively focusing on your career or labeling yourself by what you do in social situations may be code for “I’ve lost touch with who I am.”

Balancing our work and personal lives are vital for our overall happiness and the welfare of those around us.

Approaching Your Career as a Personal Endeavor

Discovering and plotting a path toward what is meaningful to you is vital.

Studies overwhelmingly indicate that satisfying careers are the result of focusing on what you love, getting good at this skill, and then being recognized and financially rewarded for your contribution.

Opportunity Knocks!

The Mental Gym has licensed career counselors on staff to assist you in discovering your passions, developing your skillset, and providing these talents.

Let’s dive deep into what makes you tick and strategize ways to incorporate your uniqueness into an occupation that truly fits you.

If you’re already in a career, we’ll creatively address ways to reinvigorate your purpose, so that you can climb the ladder more effectively and with more impact.

Isn’t it time that you stop worrying about what you’ll be when you grow up and, instead, pursue with purpose the thing you were meant to contribute all along?

H.R. as a Truly Human Resource

If you’re an employer, we also offer H.R. assistance.

We have the training to enhance staff communication dynamics, and we’re happy to help resolve co-worker disputes.

Whether developing on-site productivity training or delivering off-site teambuilding encounters, we can provide experiences that spark cooperation, increase productivity, and instill teamwork.

We also have the professional scope to aid executives and employees in professional development and career advancement.

H.R. as a Truly Human Resource | The Mental Gym

The Caring Professionals at The Mental Gym Are Here to Guide You

Let’s explore all the ways we can help you create a positive work environment: (310) 849-9399

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