Bringing Bipolar Home
Bringing Bipolar Home (Part one of two)
The Numbers:
It’s estimated that 5.7 million Americans are Bipolar. This disorder typically becomes apparent during puberty when hormones are raging. Wreaking havoc on a person’s life. Creating both personal and professional relationship conflicts, especially when misdiagnosed or misunderstood. However, having this disorder is not a reason to give up hope for a happy life or a reason to stop living. Many highly creative and successful people had this psychiatric illness and there are effective treatments available.
What is it?
Bipolar Disorder (historically called Manic Depression) occurs when certain abnormalities in the circuitry of the brain’s pre-frontal lobe create extreme shifts in mood, energy and/or perception. Hence, this can cause an inability to manage one’s surroundings; make prioritizing information impossible and decrease the awareness one has of predicting the consequences of one’s actions.
Learn the signs and prepare emotionally:
A Bipolar person’s moods most often cycle between manic and depressive symptoms. During a manic phase, one’s irrational thoughts can rule and one’s personality can drastically shift. Helping you or someone you know cope with this disorder symptoms (especially mania) can be challenging because one often becomes agitated or hyper-logical, arguing with you when you suggest corrective measures.
Try not to take it personally!
If you are the brunt of someone’s Bipolar mood swings or outbursts; try not to personalize what the person is saying. Simply, Imagine losing your perspective and having an inability to understand consequences. Realize, containment can be necessary during a manic episode and understand that it may be better to rationalize with this person when behaviors have subsided.
Through it all, remember the ill individual is a friend or family member and could use your love, support and compassion. So, be aware that this disorder (psychiatric illness) is not about you!
Note: The above article is only a simple beginning of the complex topic of what it means to cope with being Bipolar. Therefore, the key is proper diagnosis and treatment. Talk therapy can be a helpful tool.