A Foundational Analogy:
Approaching Togetherness Artistically

By Bill Benson · Feb 23, 2024

Imagine two artists, Charlie and Taylor, each representing red and blue, respectively.

Charlie and Taylor are individually vibrant and unique, with distinct hues and characteristics. However, when they collaborate on a painting, their colors blend harmoniously to create a beautiful shade of purple.

Charlie and Taylor approach their collaboration with open minds and mutual respect, understanding that their differences contribute to the richness of their combined output. This process of sharing ideas and blending their distinct styles and perspectives is akin to mixing red and blue to make purple.

Each session at the canvas deepens the hue of their partnership and reinforces their appreciation for each other’s artistic strengths and viewpoints. This synergy allows them to explore new territories in their art, which they might not have ventured into alone.

Like Charlie and Taylor, you can create artful partnerships.


Charlie and Taylor communicate openly and honestly, sharing their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. Just as red and blue must blend to create purple, effective communication allows them to understand each other’s perspectives and collaborate effectively. 

Mutual Support

Charlie and Taylor support each other’s individual growth and development, recognizing that their strengths and weaknesses complement one another. Like the primary colors combining to form secondary colors, their support for each other amplifies their abilities and enriches their relationship.


While Charlie and Taylor are interdependent, they respect each other’s boundaries and autonomy. Just as red and blue maintain their individual identities before creating purple, healthy relationships allow each person to maintain their sense of self while contributing to their shared partnership. They communicate openly about their visions, ensuring neither color dominates the other but instead complements it.

However, in contrast to this healthy dynamic, codependency resembles one color trying to produce another color, which is impossible. This is akin to expecting red to turn into blue or vice versa, which goes against the natural order of things. In codependent relationships, one person may try to control or manipulate the other, leading to imbalance and dysfunction. 

The Healthy Shades of a Relationship

The process of combining colors to produce purple serves as a valuable metaphor for learning essential relationship skills such as communication, cooperation, and compromise.

By embracing the dynamic interplay of individual strengths and differences, Charlie and Taylor evolve as individuals, using their relationship as a tool for personal growth and mutual fulfillment. 

Painting By Numbers

Here are 5 practical suggestions inspired by the above analogy to help you better communicate, cooperate, and compromise within all kinds of relationships for healthier results:

Open Dialogue: Imagine the lines of communication between you and your friend, family member, or partner as vibrant and free-flowing as the colors on a painter’s palette. Share your feelings, desires, and concerns honestly, ensuring that both voices are heard and valued, just like the unique colors each artist brings to the canvas.

Mutual Support: Be each other’s cheerleader and constructive critic. Just as artists blend different colors to enhance a painting, support each other’s goals and dreams, and enrich the relationship by blending your dynamics together.

Respect Boundaries: Just as each color maintains its integrity on a canvas, respecting each other’s need for personal space and autonomy is crucial. It’s essential to recognize that healthy boundaries both deepen and preserve love and connection.

Flexibility in Decision Making: Compromise is like mixing paint—it requires adjusting and experimenting until you find the appropriate shade for the given circumstance. Approach decisions with flexibility, willing to give a little to create a balance that satisfies both partners.

Creative Problem Solving: Embrace challenges collaboratively. When faced with conflicts, think creatively and find solutions that blend your perspectives into a new, shared visions.

Exhibiting Possibilities

Just as mixing colors creates shades of possibility, relationships become a canvas for self-discovery and shared experiences. Our shared interactions enrich our lives in ways we can’t achieve alone.

So, approach life more painterly with the ones you care about. Who knows what masterpieces may come of the collaboration!

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